Saturday, January 11, 2025

Shutdown memories, and time well spent

 In the season of government shutdowns, I recall a very productive few weeks when I still worked for the National Park Service.  I seem to remember that it was a four week shutdown and everyone was sent home to listen to the news and watch their savings balance dwindle.  I, however, had a pretty good experience.  I spent the time casting and painting what was to become my 3rd South Carolina Infantry Battalion (  

This 202 man rebel unit is the foil to my 286 man-strong 3rd Michigan project ( .  Michigan took eighteen years to complete, and South Carolina only took seven, as I wasn't making my own molds as I did with Michigan.

The shutdown made for many fun, but chilly, days out in the shop casting, and warmer days in the studio painting.  

The men of the Palmetto State reporting for duty.

It was time well spent - among little pewter men, and far away from the hustle and bustle of working in Washington DC.

Have a happy new year, and...

Soldier on!



Archduke Piccolo said...

It is not often one sees 200+ figure war games regiments or battalions! An interesting project!

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

A hobby is a great thing in tough times .