Monday, January 27, 2025

WWII tankers in 1/16 scale

Did you see the Brad Pitt movie Fury?  I consider it one of the all-time top five of war movies.  Certainly liberties are taken to advance the narrative, but it is a gritty look at tank combat in WWII.  It is an incredible movie.  If you saw it, please share your review in the comments section.

Along those lines, I painted up some tankers to go with my 1/16 Pershing and Sherman tanks.  Unlike Brad Pitt none of them were once married to Angelina Jolie, but they are pretty cool nonetheless.

I found these resin figures on ebay; there were enough parts for four guys.  The parts were flash-free and highly detailed.  Assembly was very easy with super-glue, and following assembly I gave them an overspray of Tamiya gray primer.

I painted them with Vallejo paints, which I seem to be using exclusively these days.

I wasn't going for military miniature-style painting, but just a nice, detailed, toy soldier look.

A touch of panel-liner really brought out the detail, and also makes for some nice five-o'clock shadow.

He's no Brad Pitt, but I think he came out pretty well.

I also painted up these guys: they started in the Sherman, but moved to the Pershing.  Sadly, the loader got lost out in the shrubbery one autumn day when I was out in the yard tanking...MIA, I guess.

As always, I enjoyed painting these figures, it is relaxing, satisfying, and; and isn't that what our hobby is all about?

Button up, and...

Soldier on!


By the way...did someone mention Angelina Jolie?


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