Today little remains of Greenbrier Maryland. A few tumble-down foundations and the skeletal remains of a waterwheel beside the canal are some of the only clues of what was once a bee-hive of wartime activity, nearly a century and a half ago.
A combination of geography and geology conspired to place Greenbrier in the center of the Union cause for twenty-two exhilarating months between late 1863 and spring of 1865. Greenbrier, nestled at the foot of South Mountain sat astride the confluence of a moderate-grade iron ore deposit and a shallow soft-coal seam. Proximity to both the Cumberland Canal as well as Boonsboro Creek provided water power and transportation. Added to that coincidence of place arrived the Baltimore Valley Railroad spur in 1862, and before the locals knew what was transpiring in their sleepy valley hamlet their rudimentary forges and furnaces became a smoking, hissing, soot strewn center of medium industry, with blast furnaces producing low carbon steel, and iron pigs being melted in giant crucibles and thence poured in golden showers of sparks into the giant sand-banked wrought iron flasks from which massive cannon barrels would emerge 42 hours after pouring.
The valley would ring and shudder with the pulse of water-powered trip hammers, the scream of mill and train whistles, the throb of engines and the throaty shouts of hundreds of mechanics, soldiers, engineers, laborers and idlers, all turning their gnarled fists and burly shoulders to the great wheel of ordnance production, all bound by the same simple credo:
Union Forever!
Here, then, are glimpses of those bygone halcyon days of hubbub, hustle-bustle, and hullabaloo that once characterized, nay, Defined, Greenbrier Maryland, once known simply and assuredly as:
"Greenbrier Ordnance Depot"
The forges, furnaces, flaskmires, and flamecures billow and spark day and night in the production of freedom's fulsome firearms.
And such an array of guns, the likes of which freedom loving men have never cast eyes upon all in so compact a space! These testers of treason, these punishers of the perfidious include:
BMC/Americana ten-pounder Parrots, with their distinctive reinforcing welt at the breech of the cast-iron tube,

colorful TootsieToy Parrot rifles in the newer 3-inch caliber patiently awaiting a baptism of fire,
colorful TootsieToy Parrot rifles in the newer 3-inch caliber patiently awaiting a baptism of fire,
the renowned, and very expensive, Wm Britians 3-inch ordnance rifle, proven on so many a field of strife, here awaits the boatmen to whisk her away to freedom's grim and gruesome contest,
These are the men, the machines, the means, and the might of the Greenbrier Ordnance Depot. Once a dynamo of industry, a crucial cog in the great mechanism of Freedom, Liberty and Union. Once so vital, so brash, so pulsating with energy, vitality, manly exuberance and grim determination.
Now, nearly a century and a half later, with Union preserved and Freedom assured, the mouldering remains of "the yard" and its works are known only to an occasional aged local with a long memory or the casual investigations of a wayward hiker.
To the memory then of a great enterprise and a greater cause...
Union Forever!
Soldier on!
Next thrilling post on the 15th! (emphasis mine)
I'll see you all in Gettysburg for the annual "Fall In" convention, link here.