Thursday, October 26, 2023

Steadfast tin soldier - Conte ACW 57457


This  recent acquisition is the most inspiring toy soldier that I have in my collection; 

I have proclaimed him Colonel Henry Morrow, commanding officer of the 24th Michigan of the Iron Brigade. 

 He has become my all-time favorite toy soldier figure.

(Dawes is shown mounted at left)

The stars and stripes are all cast in relief.

At Gettysburg, in combat action, the 24th Michigan lost a staggering 14 flag-bearers.  Morrow, himself,  took the flag from a fallen bearer and inspired his men until he too was serverely wounded and taken from the field.

The detail is wonderful, with the eagle on his shoulder strap clearly depicted.

Released in 2003 and retired sometime following that, this figure is difficult to find.

Why is an officer holding the flag?

I pretend that he has taken it from the fallen flag-bearer and he is rallying his men.

I also portray him as watching the falling regimental flag-bearer.

I also use him in this mash-up of Conte and Britains figures with Britains cornstalks in the background and Conte fence in the foreground.  The Conte Cornfield set will be the subject of my next post.

Rally on the colors!  and...

soldier on!


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