Sunday, December 3, 2023

The passing parade of W. Britain Civil War soldiers

W. Britain toy soldiers have always commanded a premium price, but a quick review of the troops through time indicates that one didn't always get what one paid for.  Let's take a look at how the quality of their product evolved and improved over a twenty-year period.

2001 represents the beginning of the modern era of Britains Civil War soldiers, and these early entries were positively primitive.

Note the absence of cartridge box, belt, capbox, bayonet and canteen.  One wonders what reference materials the sculptor was using.

Minimal effort was expended on the base.

2003 saw an improvement in attention to equipment, but the sculpting and animation were little improved.

The base is a combination of sickly yellows and greens, but at least they are now making an effort.

2008 ushered in a new level of sculpting, animation, and detail.  This is the beginning of a new era for W.Britain's sculpting.  The quality is wonderful.

The 2008 bases are characterized by these wonderful oak leaves .

2020 brings even finer sculpting and detail

I can't wait to see what the future brings.  Until then...

soldier on!


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