Posting each month with photos, reviews, discussions, conversions, and play with 54mm Toy Soldiers of the American Civil War and WWII.
Do stop by and remember that your comments, questions, and corrections are always invited and appreciated. Copyright 2024, Mannie Gentile
Everybody seems to like me, even assholes that I have nothing in common with...I think that's because I'm such a good listener, and I have a keen sense of humor.
So read this as if we were already friends, because we probably would be if you found your way here.
Other stuff from me here:
I'm doing a sixty-day detail at Monocacy National Battlefield, and one of my projects was oversee a toy soldier painting workshop.
We had about thirteen participants, both children and adults, and as many girls as boys.
We used BMC/Americana figures as they are cheap and don't have an overabundance of detail. Cheap craft paints gave great coverage on the primed figures.
Each figure was primed beforehand and the base was hot-glued to a square of cardboard to make handling easier.
A good time was had by all.
It's nice to see that there will be a whole new generation to...
Over the years I've accumulated a lot of broken-down Britian's Swoppet limber sets. The winter project is to bring some order to the chaos and salvage or rehabilitate what I can.
The men are all repainted, now the issue is one of repairing limbers, making new limber lids, fixing trace chains and painting limbers and horses.
This will be a fun project and the grist of an upcoming post.
The set-up on the toy soldier table right now is all W. Britains - 103 Federals and 101 Rebels. Photos and narrative will be posted in a couple of weeks. Soldier on! Mannie