Friday, September 13, 2024

1/16 Sherman M4 (105)


Two weeks ago I bought this radio-control Sherman tank.  Today I finished the painting, marking, and weathering.  I also tricked-out a cheap tool chest as a travel/storage box, which also makes a great pedestal.

Button-up and...

soldier on!


When you drive past the house, look for the tiny dust-cloud.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Armor support!

I've always wanted a radio-controlled tank. I'm seventy-two years old and finally asked myself: "What the heck are you waiting for?"

Last week this arrived, and I was nearly giddy when I took it out of the box.

It has a zillion features. It's fourteen inches long and weighs over eleven pounds, and when the after-market metal bogies are installed it will bring the weight up to just over thirteen pounds...the more the weight, the better the traction.

This photo is the out-of-the-box model, but I will be spending some time detailing and painting it.

Forward, backward, turns, headlights and tail-lights, rotating turret, elevating gun, firing sounds and recoil (which rocks the whole tank!) for main gun and for light-up machine gun, engine smoke, and incredible engine sound...all that and it fires BBs too!

It is pretty fabulous, and I'll keep you posted as things develop.  By the way, the BB gun is so powerful that it dents drywall (don't ask).

Soldier on!
