Though usually unnamed, most of the greatest
Civil War battles have occurred on bedroom floors, tabletops, and backyard
gardens. Fearsome phalanxes of
plastic toy soldiers have engaged in mortal (if only temporary) combat,
generaled by generations of boys, and occasionally girls, to triumphant
victory, staggering defeat, or the unsatisfying stalemate that is precipitated
by bedtime.
The children of the post-World War Two era were
the beneficiaries of the abundance of cheap and versatile plastics developed during
that conflict. Companies such as Lido, Ideal, Topper, Remco, and Marx were
manufacturing a variety of Civil War-themed toys in an abundance prompted by
the Civil War Centennial of the early 1960s.
In the closing years of the 1950’s, toy magnate
Louis Marx released the first Civil War play set marketed through the Sears
catalogue. Marx figures were
remarkable in their day for detail, sculpting, and the animation of the
realistic poses. The Marx “Blue
and Gray” play set was a wonder of fun.
The set included an exploding bunker, antebellum mansion, boulders,
trees, a horse-drawn limber, cannons and seacoast mortars (that fired little
projectiles) fences, breastworks, horses, an army ambulance, and armloads of
54mm scale toy soldiers molded in plastic of blue or gray. A focal point of nearly every tabletop
or bedroom floor battle was the plastic Burnside Bridge – style bridge that
completed the set.
Presented with this playset on my 10th birthday
I was the envy of all my friends, and the bane of their parents as the nagging
began; and soon more and more boys were showing up at school with five or six
Marx “Civil War guys” in their grimy pockets.
I was typical of many boys of that generation
who began a lifetime interest in the American Civil War. Now, that same generation of older,
sometimes wiser, paunchy and world-weary baby-boomers frequently find
themselves scouring the screens of eBay hoping to score a little piece of their
Most of those beloved Marx figures have been
recast and are now available from many toy soldier vendors. Newer companies including Toy soldiers of San Diego, Barzo,
Replicants, BMC, Conte, and the aptly-named Armies in Plastic carry on the tradition with exciting new poses
with, in most instances, superior sculpting and animation compared to the old
Marx figures, but usually at premium cost.
John Zabawa’s shop Gettysburg Miniatures Soldiers provides the full range of toy
solders from the inexpensive BMC/Americana line to the very high-end miniatures
including W. Britains and King and Country. Although the miniatures could be called toy soldiers they
are definitely not for play and not the focus of this inquiry.
In business for the last 14 years John, like
many others, first became interested in the Civil War when he received that
classic book “The Golden Book of the Civil War” with its fascinating battle
maps populated with tiny soldiers, evocative of toy soldiers. At age 10 John was presented with the
Lois Marx Blue and Gray playset, and
he has been immersed in the world of toy soldiers ever since.
Over a decade-and-a-half in the same location,
John has seen many changes in the industry, especially in the quality of the
sculpting, noting “Conte collectables
upped the ante with incredible detail.” John has also seen the customer base
change, observing that adults are his primary customers although he frequently
gets children in the shop and enjoys “educating them to the wonderful world of
toy soldiers.”
Although plastics prices have risen
substantially he notes that there are inexpensive figures out there including
the BMC Civil War figures (sold as Americana in the Gettysburg area) “if a
vacuum gets a couple of these its no big deal” It is the BMC/Americana
“Gettysburg” play set that is the steady seller in John’s shop. “Its nice to see a parent leaving with
a child who’s gotten some toy soldiers who looks up and says ‘thanks’ to the
parent…that’s a good thing, a nice thing…that’s what starts their interest." He believes that “the future of the hobby looks
good” and encourages parents to get their kids interested, noting that there’s
“a lifetime of enjoyment if you get the bug early.”
A former vendor is the venerable
Charlie Tarbox whose childhood interest was also sparked by those intricate
maps in the Golden Book of the Civil War,
noting “an enormous amount of interest in toy soldiers was generated from those
maps.” Charlie first visited Gettysburg in 1960, on the eve of the centennial
and still has his toy soldiers from that time. He relates that as a child he “arranged his figures to
replicate the battle maps in the Golden Book.
Charlie’s primary customer is the high-end
collector and he accommodates their tastes with exquisite hand-painted
miniatures and says that business is good; Tarbox wryly observes,
“Who would have ever thought of a toy store that didn’t need to be open in December?”
Meaghan Barry, manager of the bookstore at Antietam National Battlefield enthusiastically affirms that “Toy soldiers are a consistent seller and generally more than one bag is sold at a time” and notes that the most frequently heard refrain from children in her store is “I want this one, and this one!”
Meaghan’s shop, located on the battlefield
itself, serves the full range of visitors. She says of the Americana line of toy soldiers “Children,
parents, and grandparents purchase them”Of those children, one in particular, is
emblematic of the new generation of toy soldier enthusiasts: Michael Logan
Michael Logan is looking forward to middle school
and the opportunity to use toy soldiers in history assignments; “I could use
them to show what the Battle of Bull Run was like; set them up to demonstrate
This child of the sesquicentennial era has a
personalized approach to his soldiers and battles noting “Usually I just like
making different set-ups but I’ll do battles when I get the chance” adding
“When one side is outnumbered they get more cannons.” Asked who usually wins as he presides over blue and gray
armies he responds, “Typically, I never get to the end, but usually the Union
wins and some times the Confederates.”
Michael Logan’s taste in toys is reflective of
other kids his age noting his interest in Legos.
Megablocks, Pokeman, and Transformers, but he gives nearly equal
attention to his Civil War soldiers.
When asked what he would tell other kids about toy soldiers he
thoughtfully responds, “You might think that they’re not fun, but they are quite fun.”
Thus far the emphasis has been on men and boys
as the primary interest group for toy soldiers, but to exclude girls would, in
fact, be quite hasty.

history enthusiast since childhood, Christin particularly enjoyed watching
westerns with her grandparents and reading about westward expansion. This led her to the Civil War era
which, even as a young girl, she found “very interesting and tragic.” Initially, she was drawn
into the hobby by Civil War and Wild West figures, and, like her father,
miniature war gaming became her primary interest. Her interest has grown beyond the Civil War to include
painting and gaming with miniatures from a variety of eras, noting “I realize
that I just don't have the physical space to buy figures and game in every
period that interests me.”
When asked how she is
viewed in this traditionally male domain she responds “Very positively . . .
until I start rolling the dice and killing their troops! Generally everyone I
have interacted with has been very polite and encouraging, and happy to have a
woman gaming with them and discussing history and the hobby with them; they are
happy to have any new blood participating in the hobby with them.”
Since the 1960s the hobby
has changed, seeing the range of Civil War toy soldiers increase in quality,
availability and in price. What is
unchanged however is the joy found in setting up and knocking down these little
plastic men in miniature battlefield dramas just as they have been for
Christin and Michael Logan one can see the torch being passed from the
Centennial generation to that of the Sesquicentennial era. Despite the distractions of electronic
gaming, and technology-based toys, young people and children are still happy to
marshal their plastic and metal legions, both blue and gray, and soldier on
into the future.
soldiers, happily, will endure.
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